Resolved by Corporal Punishment Case 4 - Kimberly - DVD

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Étiquette: Raven Hill
Durée: 60 minutes
Langue: Englisch
format de l'image: 4:3 (1.33:1)
EAN: 672737354437
Region Code Free: Ce DVD / Blu-ray est le plus jouable sur tout lecteur.


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Resolved by Corporal Punishment Case 4 - Kimberly

Kimberly's Trouble: Kimberly was working the late shift at her convenience store job when she realized, just before punching out, that her car's gas tank was empty. As empty as her pockets! She didn't think anyone would mind if she pulled a five dollar bill out of the till for gas. A few days later, the same thing happened. Kimberly always planned on paying the money back, once she got some breathing room. Trouble was, the convenience store owner caught on to Kimberly's "loan" activity before the could repay it. And it turned out Kimberly wasn't the only one taking advantage of the store's unofficial loan policy. The whole crew was making off with 10's and 20's quite regularly, whenever their personal funds were low. Cracking down hard, the store owner fired them all, and filed Consilliation Court action against each employee separately. We found out about the case, and, being that the fired employees were all woman over the age of 18, we approached them with our unique method of solving the dispute... with old fashioned spankings. Kimberly was the only one who consented to getting her case Resolved in this manner.

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